Back and Forth about BACK AND FORTH
My new song is messing up people who know me as a Christian and Christian Music Artist. Straight up.
And I kind of knew this would happen. It's not why I did it, but it is the reality of our skewed view of what Christian Music is, as well as what "Christian" is.
We're so used to love songs being associated with secular music that we get all weird and up tight when Christians do it. All of a sudden, we think we have to portray love as being this dorky, "I've never done anything wrong and neither have you" thing just because we're Christians. Well I'm sorry (not actually) but the people that need to hear us talk about this the most can see right through that fakery.
The Songs of Solomon is a book from the Bible that preachers are mostly afraid to preach from, that Christians can't discuss without turning red, or hiding, so it doesn't get talked about, let alone read. At least over here in the Western world it seems that way.
So we talk about how Jesus has saved us, forgiven us of our sins and has called us into a redemptive relationship with Him (which we ought to do) and then when it comes to the details regarding the unfolding of intimate, deep relationships, whether with Christ or each other, we stick to the 'neat and tidy' narrative. Or just keep it superficial. Or, we're silent.
So I've decided to take full advantage of the fact that I'm not signed with a Christian label (or any label) and I'm doing an album off of the Songs of Solomon. I'm going there and I've gone there. Poems, Songs and a devotional to come.
I really don't see how the sustaining of my relationship with Christ or my relationships with others is to be enjoyed or fulfilled if it's only ever surface-level. Have we not considered that the reason why we have a mental health epidemic in our society is because there is a serious lack of authenticity and intimacy in our relationships? Also, if I don't have any understanding of what a deep relationship looks like, what the healthy and productive ups and downs look like, what love and respect looks like, what the qualities of he vs. she looks are any of us supposed to get this right?
The Songs of Solomon are a deep, poetic gift that gives us massive insight -- and we want to ignore it because the passion and intimacy makes us feel endangered? Do we not trust that this book is also part of Christ's infallible Word and that His passionate love can be kept "in-check" because it is grounded in His everlasting Truth?
Hmm. Interesting.
Someone who is familiar with my music from 'One Step' and 'He Did It' as 'Emily B' listened to 'Back and Forth' and summed up well what I know many Christians have thought but are too afraid to admit out loud, so I'm glad this person just came out and asked:
"There is so much money now in that kind of music. I have heard other songs that you did that were really nice. Have you done any Christian Music?"
I actually really respect that they flat out asked what they were thinking. I like people with guts. So, I responded with...friendly guts:
I will always be a Christian Artist. That hasn’t changed.